Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center


The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center is a volunteer-based non-profit, teaching traditional, classical yoga for health and peace of mind in Los Angeles for over 50 years. Founded by Swami Vishnudevananda, the LA SYVC is a branch of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm located in Grass Valley, CA

Housed in a historic monument in the Jefferson Park/West Adams neighborhood of Los Angeles, the Center is near the corner of West Adams Boulevard and 7th Ave, just minutes east of the Crenshaw exit on the 10 freeway. Easy access via surface streets, too. (We moved from Marina del Rey in September 2019.)

Yoga Classes—In Person or Online

If you are coming to the Center, please bring your own mat, if possible.  All in-person classes are also being offered online. If you register for online, you will receive a Zoom link within 5 minutes. Please be on time for the class with your mat, pillow, blanket already set up in your space at home, video on.

Courses & Workshops—In Person or Online

Courses meet weekly for five consecutive weeks, 90-minutes each session. Try Yoga 1, Positive Thinking, Meditation… Workshops tend to be offered on weekends. If attending online, you will receive a Zoom link within an hour of the first class start time.

Yoga Therapy

Packages of three 90-minute sessions (in-person and/or via Zoom)
By appointment

The Sivananda Institute of Health & Yoga (SIHY) seeks to empower individuals with classical Yoga tools and Self-knowledge to promote integral health, to reduce stress, to restore balance and a sense of purpose in one’s life.

Our Offerings


Yoga Retreats

Stay at the Center and immerse yourself in the yogic lifestyle of self-healing and self-care.

Yoga Teacher Training

Offered onsite and online through the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm in Grass Valley, CA.

Yoga Health Education

Yoga offers fundamental support for all body/mind dis-ease. Consult an educator for a custom protocol.

Health is Wealth.

—Swami Vishnudevananda

Yoga Programs & Retreats


Hatha Yoga Classes

Join a classical Hatha Yoga class—all-levels, intermediate, or gentle. Harmonize and strengthen body, mind and soul.

Meditation & Chanting

Join us for daily satsang at 6:00am—also at 7:30pm on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.


Topics range from asanas, pranayama, vegetarian cooking, chanting and holistic health to Vedanta.

5-session Courses

Receive in-depth instruction in Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Positive Thinking and Meditation.


I was looking for yoga presented in the classical Indian style that teaches how the body and mind should work together. I found this yoga center years ago and have been coming here as often as I can ever since. They’ve moved to a larger house with lots of green space, beautiful trees, lush green grass and flowers, all making this a warm, welcoming, relaxed and peaceful oasis in the middle of the city to practice yoga and learn the classical yoga teachings. I especially enjoy the relaxed, non-competitive teaching method they use. Sometimes I come here just to sit quietly and read.

Dec. 2019

This isn’t a random yoga studio. Instead, it’s a historical and traditional yoga training center and community. I have been practicing yoga for over ten years. However, this is the first place for me to truly learn how to do each pose correctly. The staff are very welcoming, caring, experienced, and really commits to teaching pure and classical yoga.

Jan 2020

“I thought I was coming to stretch my body, I didnt know my mind would be blown.”

– L
March 2021

I am learning to relax and breathe. I am learning the postures correctly at my own pace, with no pressure to do more than my body can do. Classes are not packed. I feel welcome.

Feb 2020

Sivananda Yoga in combination with the AA program was the only way I could stay clean and sober. For the first time in my life I felt a true “light” or God Consciousness. I lost weight without any struggling. I gradually started eating better and more in line with the way Sivananda Yoga cookbook suggest. I started hiking and praying and thinking of my life as a spiritual journey. What I most want to emphasize and what is most amazing to me is that the physical, mental and emotional changes occured effortlessly. Before there was always a struggle to keep the weight off, to stop substance abuse, and to maintain a spiritual practice. The amazing staff and community encouraged me to relax, to go easy, to be gentle with myself and my thoughts. I love Sivananda Yoga LA!
Thank you. God Bless.

Feb 2020

Stunning! That is the word that comes to my mind repeatedly and captures your magnificent Ashram. I loved being there, and I now know I have a beautiful place for a quiet respite and deep spiritual connection.

Feb 2020

I absolutely loved every minute of my visit to the LA center. It was just what I needed. I am recharged and more positive for now. The LA Center is such a peaceful and welcoming place.

Public Health
Mar 2020

My mom practiced Sivananda Yoga and taught me when I was 7. Forty years later, it is still my favorite. There is nothing like Sivananda Yoga on the planet!

Mar 2020

Want to Give Back?

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center is a non-profit 501c3

*your donations are tax-deductable

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