
Serve, Love, Give

The Center thrives on your generous donations.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is 100% run by volunteers, teachers included.

Your monetary and in-kind donations help us continue to offer rich programming for all. Consider a monthly pledge in any amount.

IN-KIND DONATION WISH LIST includes Polywood Lakeside 7-piece Farmhouse Dining Set (color: sand, $1,695), clean wood chips for mulch, outdoor furniture, 2 modern upholstered chairs, video camera, wireless sound system, 100% cotton twin sheet sets, 100% cotton blankets, towels…

Karma Yoga (selfless service / volunteering) opportunities are always available. There are lots of projects in the garden currently. Please email us if you can help.

May the grace of the Gurus bless this endeavor.

Om shanti

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