Yoga 1
Yoga 1 is offered as a 5-session course meeting weekly onsite or online. Take this course if you are a beginner or if you are reestablishing your yoga practice. You will benefit from small class sizes and individual attention.
Receive a step-by-step introduction to the theory and practice of classical Yoga, emphasizing the 5 points of perfect health:
- proper breathing
- proper exercise
- proper diet
- proper relaxation
- meditation and positive thinking.
You will also learn:
- most of the 12 basic asanas
- the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
- basic pranayama
- benefits of the practice
- accuracy of practice
- importance of deep relaxation
Explore the postures in detail. The course will help you understand the system that is followed in our All-Levels classes.
Benefits of the course
- Expand your view of what Yoga is.
- Learn a well-rounded Hatha Yoga routine.
- Be prepared to attend drop-in classes.
- Gain a solid foundation for practice at home.
- Get individual attention and suggested modifications.
Taking a Yoga 2 course (five more sessions) will establish your foundation. Call the Center for future class start dates. Courses form as there is demand.
Duration: 5 sessions, once per week, 90 minutes each
Tuition: $125
Pre-registration required.

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