Seniors can benefit from a physical practice to build strength, flexibility, balance, dexterity, and mental acuity. We also focus on breath, experiencing its direct effect on the mind. (All ages welcome.)
Yoga for Seniors can be beneficial for:
- relieving stiffness.
- building bone strength.
- improving concentration and motivation.
- increasing energy and stamina.
- developing a positive attitude.
- enjoying a sense of community.
Yoga is an international language—and it’s fun! We can offer a class or series at your facility. We need sturdy chairs and a large, open room with ventilation.

We build custom full- or half-day programs of small-group or whole-class activities, including movement, theory, group learning and relaxation to support a curriculum on subjects such as India, health, dealing with anxiety, positive thinking, communication, and yogic lifestyle for students in elementary schools to universities. Take a field trip to our Center or we can present in the classroom.
Weekly sessions for the younger crowd could include deep abdominal breathing to calm and regulate emotions, hatha yoga-based movements (individual, partner and group) to build concentration, coordination, strength and flexibility and a final relaxation with guided visualization to foster awareness and connectedness. The aim is to foster the human values of truth, right conduct, peace, love and non-violence, to show that Yoga is a positive, fun experience that brings happiness in a holistic way.
Our teachers are background-checked.

Corporate programs
Our place or yours. We customize retreats of all sizes to meet your goals/employees’ needs.
Try a full- or half-day retreat at the Center, packed with yoga classes, inspirational talks, outdoor time, a delicious vegetarian lunch and lots of time for reflection—for beginners or seasoned yoga practitioners. Can be scheduled on a weekday or weekend. Sample retreat formats available on request. Retreats can also be at your location.
We’ll come teach a yoga class at your site. It can be a one-time event tying into a wellness theme. It can be a regular weekly or monthly offering. It will be classical yoga—including breathing exercises, yoga postures and plenty of relaxation. Participants leave feeling energized and with more focus. Generally these classes are 45–90 minutes. (Designated area needs to be fairly quiet with adequate ventilation.)
The benefits of meditation are being documented. Regular practice is key. We can support your employees by leading a series of guided sessions, which can include a self-inquiry component, as well as guidance on disciplining the mind. A concentrated mind is more content—and more productive.
We also offer a healthy lifestyle talk series. This could be a five-session course format. It could be a weekly lunch-hour session. Possible topics include: stress resilience, positive thinking, mechanics of the mind. Health is wealth!
Similar information can be crafted into a more in-depth seminar, including time for small-group work and assimilation of the concepts as they apply individually.
Also possible are individual consultations on posture, breathing, meditation or yoga poses
On-site capacity: 10-25 participants
Contact Swami Sivasankariananda, Director

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